Kanisha — Age 15

KanishaGreenMcClainKanisha is a 15-year-old rising basketball star for Rock Bridge High School. She said that she loves playing basketball because, “it keeps me out of trouble and helps me to meet a lot of new people and gives me a promising future.” When Kanisha isn’t hitting the hardwood she’s working hard to bring her dream of becoming an entrepreneur to life. She hopes to get there one day through studying hard and becoming a better leader. She has some lofty goals she would like to one day achieve, but Kanisha knows that she has to get better every day to become the person she hopes to be. She said that she has a goal of “becoming known as someone who will always be there for you” and hopes that she can show that by becoming closer to her teammates. She is a wonderful student and said that she would like to make the A Honor Roll next semester. Kanisha is the ideal Day Dreams scholarship recipient because she would like to eat healthier, volunteer more, and because she says, “I’m great at basically every sport.” Welcome to Day Dreams, Kanisha!



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