kids acting classes

Keira — Age 9

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After reading Keira’s scholarship application I was excited to meet the quirky, creative, and energetic girl described. Keira was exactly that. Into the meeting walked a giggling girl with blue streaks in her hair. She was excited to tell us about the acting classes and why she enjoys being in plays. Keira said she was most excited to participate in acting classes because she wants to learn to be social and not so shy. Even though her bubbly personality in the meeting made it hard to believe she would ever be shy, we praised Keira for stepping outside her comfort zone!

Not only does Keira enjoy acting but she love animals. We talked quite a bit about our pets and favorite animals. Keira said she particularly likes turtles. She would like to be veterinarian when she grows up. However, if that doesn’t happen she is also interested in paleontology. She definitely has a wide range of interests and enjoys learning!

It was such a pleasure getting to know Keira and her mom. The room was full of laughter and smiles throughout the meeting. At the end of the meeting I asked Keira if I could take a picture of her with the Day Dreams Foundation t-shirt and her certificate. After smiling for photo I requested she demonstrate her best actress pose. Without a second thought she strikes a dramatic pose that elicits a laugh out of everyone in the room. We are so excited that Keira gets the opportunity to show off this star quality in acting classes at PACE and her next big play.

Written by Kelsey Louder


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