Jacob — Age 7

JacobThe Day Dreams Foundation happily awarded a scholarship to Jake to participate in drum lessons for Access Percussion. Jake is an energetic 7 year old who brought two of his favorite cars with him to his scholarship meeting. Jake said that he loves drumming and hopes to one day play for the youth choir at his church.

Jake said he was proud that he recently received 100% on a math test, but said that his favorite thing to do at school is play. Jake said that he loves magic tricks and knows how to do a couple awesome ones. When he grows up he would like to one day be a police officer and told me his role model is his teacher because she’s really cool.
Jake and I were talking about all the great things he likes to do, and he told me his favorite thing is to get meatballs in his tum tum.
Jake is an amazing young man and Day Dreams is so happy to help him pursue his dreams of playing the drums for his youth choir one day!



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